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Who are we?

UWC Belgium is a not-for-profit organisation comprised entirely of volunteers. Its legal structure rests upon two main bodies: the General Assembly and the Board of Directors. While the former is composed of all the members of the organisation, the latter is a smaller body of people who decide on the general orientation of the organisation.

A third body is in charge of the daily management: the Executive Committee (ExCo). The members of the ExCo are the first contact-points of the organisation. In addition, UWC Belgium can yearly count on more than 50 volunteers, alumni and parents, to help us with our day-to-day work. 

General Assembly

The members of the General Assembly are parents and alumni who have expressed the desire - by paying an annual membership fee of a symbolic amount of € 10 to remain more closely connected to UWC Belgium. 

The General Assembly meets once a year to approve the work done over the year and to set the budget for the year to come. It is also a good opportunity to talk about the evolution that takes place in the UWC movement worldwide and for every member to give their opinion on the orientation of the organisation. 

Every UWC Belgian Alumni is welcome to join the General Assembly. If you want to take part, please send an e-mail to and we can keep you informed on the dates and participation. 

UWC Belgium Board of Directors

Overall strategic oversight and supervision of the association is the role of the members of the Board of Directors. The members of the Board are elected by the General Assembly for a four year mandate. The Board meets at least once a year to review the work of the Executive Committee for the previous years, and to give the general direction of the organisation of the year ahead.

Chairman of the board of Directors: Harold Boël 

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee drives forward and supports the organisation as a whole on a daily basis. The ExCo's tasks include the technical-organisational coordination of the student selection, fundraising, external communication and outreach, the parental network, student welfare, liaison with the UWC Colleges, and more generally to coordinate all the good will, energy and efforts of our volunteers.